The Archaeology of Buddhafields: Early Landscapes of Indian Buddhism
2023 年 10 月 2 日
2024 Moon Festival Event
2024 年 9 月 11 日

Dzongsar Monlam Chenmo-Reciting “The Sūtra on Dependent Arising”

We’re pleased to announce that, at the Dzongsar Monlam Chenmo, Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche will be leading us in reciting “The Sūtra on Dependent Arising,” a newly translated scripture by the Kumarajiva Project of Khyentse Foundation.

“The Sūtra on Dependent Arising” imparts the profound teachings of the Buddha, specifically on the “Verses of Dependent Arising” in response to bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara’s inquiry about building stupas for the accumulation of merit. The teachings on “dependent arising” are encapsulated within the renowned “Verses of Dependent Arising.” According to the scriptures, it was after hearing these verses from Venerable Assaji that Upatissa attained the pure Dharma eye and subsequently joined the sangha of the Buddha.

Rinpoche will provide a brief introduction before the recitation, and we welcome all Dharma friends to join us!

🔸 Time: Oct. 27th, 2023
Taiwan: 10:30 AM - 12:30 PM
IST: 8:00 AM - 10:00 AM
(Exact Starting Time is Tentative)
🔸 YouTube:
🔸 Zoom:
Password: Aspiration
Meeting ID: 890 5242 3904
🔸 Download the English translation of the Sūtra from 84000.

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